Foss products

Trend-IT is active in the medical industry since more than 20 years, mainly focusing on medical imaging & radiology. We have been selling solutions to improve processes (e.g. moving from film to CD/DVD and web portal) in those services since many years now with more than 400 installations/sites in the Benelux.

Trend-IT now introduces a new range of solutions to optimize and improve the comfort of patient in a medical environment. Let’s take a couple of examples. More than 50% of patients (average between children and adult) have anxiety passing examinations like CT/MR scans. We release that stress by projecting relaxing videos (e.g. firework, fishes, …) directly to the modality. We can decorate any rooms or corridors with interactive walls or ceilings (see …). Our Aquarium removes stress from children who have to pass an examination.

Have a complete overview about our Foss products:

Interactieve Multimedia FOSS producten
LED-projecten FOSS producten

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Perennity AccessBox v5.1

We are proud to announce the availability of the new version 5.1. What’s new ?

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Trend-IT is moving to a new location

We are moving our offices as of 01/03/2021 to RINGLAAN 17 A (Industrial Park near exit 3 on the E19 and near the trainstation “Noorderkempen”) at 2960 Brecht.

03/376.64.21 general number
03/376.64.22 support

Our mailaddresses stay the same.

Kind regards,
The Trend-IT team.